All images and text on this website are protected by international copyright law. Taking any image or text from this site without my permission, is against the law, and punishable by law with fines up to $150,000 per infringement.
So, while I encourage you to look around for enjoyment and inspiration, please don’t touch. Photography is how I make my livelihood. It’s how I pay my mortgage, feed my family and save for my retirement. When you take content from my site without permission or payment, it hurts my business.
So, whether you are a client, a fellow photographer, a magazine/blog editor, or just someone who’s stumbled onto my blog, please remember: all text and photos are protected, and may not be used or re-printed, in whole or in part, without permission. If you’d like to request an image for publication, or purchase an image for commercial/private use, please contact me.
All content on this website is monitored daily by Google Alerts, TinEye, and ImageRights.com. This means, if you steal, I will find out. While my copyright attorney enjoys the business, please think before you take. It’s not good karma, and it just makes things awkward when we inevitably bump into each other at your cousin’s Christmas Party.
So, be a good egg. Thank you for respecting my work and my copyright. 🙂